African Swine Fever (ASF)

African swine fever (ASF) is an infectious viral disease that occurs in pigs and wild boars and which is spreading within different EU Member States and countries outside the European Union. The disease is highly contagious and often fatal for pigs and wild boars. To prevent an outbreak of the African swine fever in the Netherlands it is crucial that everyone takes measures and follows the rules properly.

Dispose of waste in bins and do not leave food waste in the environment

Help to prevent the spread of African swine fever. The virus can be spread through contaminated foods, such as ham rolls or sausages. Although it does not make people sick, wild boars may become infected from finding and eating contaminated food stuffs. The consequences could be serious. Therefore, do not take any meat products from contaminated areas and do not throw away any food waste in nature when you're on the go, but dispose of it only in a closed waste bin.

Ensure proper cleansing and disinfection of your livestock truck

If you are a truck driver transporting pigs, please be aware that you can carry the ASF virus with you and can thus spread it further through contaminated transport. Therefore, observe transport hygiene measures carefully to reduce the risk of contamination. Clean and disinfect your livestock truck as soon as possible after each animal transport and if needed before loading new animals. Preferably clean your truck with warm or lukewarm water and a suitable detergent. Afterwards, disinfect the truck with a disinfectant permitted for that purpose, whereby you moisten all the truck’s parts. Let this disinfectant soak in for a while, then rinse it off. Finally, leave the truck to dry or keep it empty for a period of time, before loading new animals.

Extra cleaning upon arrival in the Netherlands

One of the ways pigs may become infected is if they are transported in trucks that have not been properly cleaned. If you transport animals to or from a high-risk area (in or outside the EU), you must immediately go to an approved washing station for extra cleansing and disinfection (C&D) upon arrival in or return to the Netherlands. Such locations include approved C&D locations, slaughterhouses or collection centres. Have the proof of this C&D completed and signed by the supervisor of the approved C&D location, slaughterhouse or collection centre. Send the proof of the second C&D to the NVWA within 24 hours upon arrival.

List of approved C&D locations

If there is no approved C&D location where you unload the animals, do the following:

  • Perform a first C&D immediately after unloading.
  • Next, drive your livestock truck to an approved C&D location, slaughterhouse or collection centre in the area.
  • Perform a second C&D there.
  • Have the proof of the second C&D completed and signed by the supervisor of the approved C&D location, slaughterhouse or collection centre.
  • Send the proof of this second C&D to the NVWA within 24 hours:
    NVWA Animal Intervention Office
    Freepost 2052, 8000 VB Zwolle, the Netherlands
    Tel: +31 (88) 223 33 33
    Email: R&


For any questions on combating the African swine fever or on cleansing and disinfection, call us on 0900-03 88. If you are calling from abroad, you can contact us via +31 (88) 223 22 33.